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Analyze Data using Python - A Beginning

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Pathway: Computer Science + AI Stage: Advanced
Age:  15-18 Grade (US): 9-12
Pathway: Computer Science + AI
Age:  15-18
Stage: Advanced
Grade (US): 9-12


Learn how to program in Python, a very popular and versatile language for students in high school. This course will focus on using these programming skills to manipulate data as part of the Global Data Literacy movement. We recommend that you consider Data Literacy in a Global Society before beginning Analyze Data Using Python as it introduces important concepts about the use of data in modern computing without requiring coding skills.

Python is a language that is not only used by Computer Scientists and Software Engineers but also in popular and new popular careers such as Data Science. Python is easy to learn compared to other beginner languages. When using Python you and your students can build a website, develop a game, apply machine learning tasks, harvest data from websites, perform data analysis, automate a web browser, build artificial intelligence, etc.


Learning Outcomes


Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.


Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.


Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.


Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making  

Method of Instruction

This course is intended for instructor delivery, either in-person or remotely. All instructional resources (lesson slide, handouts, quizzes, assessments, etc) can be downloaded for individual teacher customization and use. Should you have any questions regarding the curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact Digital Media Academy Support through the LMS.


Teacher Guide

The Teacher Guide contains all information required to deliver this Digital Media Academy Foundations course.


Curricular Connections Guide

Science, Language Arts, and Math curriculum integrations build student competency in core academic subjects while addressing essential, 21st-century technology skills. This Curricular Connections Guide is designed to spark your imagination of how to bring this course to life in your own classroom.


Standards Alignment

This course is aligned to national and international standards for technology education. Standards include: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), International Baccalaureate , UK National Curriculum, New Zealand Curriculum, and more!

Required Materials & Equipment

  • Access to computers or tablets with an internet connection
  • Codecademy (free account online)
  • Trinket (free account online)
  • Paper/index cards/pen/pencils/markers


Career Pathways 

Computer Scientists, Data Scientist, Market Analyst, University Research positions, Statistician, Web Developer.

Here is the course outline:

Getting Started

Read me first.

Getting Started

Teacher Resource

Covering course description, learning outcomes, required materials and equipment, career pathways, and standards alignment

Course Overview and Teacher Guide
Lesson Preparation Materials
Questions and Assignments - Course Overview
Modules 1 - 2 Video
Questions and Assignments - Modules 1 - 2
Quiz -Modules 1 - 2
Modules 3- 4 Video
Questions and Assignments - Modules 3 - 4
Quiz - Modules - 3 - 4
Standards Alignment
Student Assessment Tools
Projects and Quizzes by Module
Student Self-Assessment
Assessment Rubric
Curricular Integration and Assessment

Module 1: Programming and Data

Learn about the important role that computer programming and data analysis play in helping us solve problems.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Python and Trinket

Module 2: Python Programming Basics

Getting started with the basics of programming

Lesson 2: Variables, Input and Syntax
Lesson 3: Strings and Output
Lesson 4: Boolean Operators and Boolean Logic

Module 3: Python Programming - Deep Dive

Going further in order to begin manipulating data

Lesson 5: Conditionals and Operators
Lesson 6: An Introduction to Loops
Lesson 7: Programming Loops
Lesson 8: Lists and Loops
Lesson 9: List Practice
Lesson 10: Functions
Lesson 11: Functions Practice

Module 4: Python - Program Assignments

Time to develop your own data programs. Samples are provided to get you started and then you can create some on your own

Lesson 12: Program #1 - Printing Application
Lesson 13: Program #2 - School Election Reporting
Lesson 14: Program #3 - Delivery Service App
Lesson 15: Program #4 - Auto Recall App

Student Showcase

Now it's time to show off your projects!

How to Lead a Student Showcase
Student Showcase


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

LSSW Course Completion Certificate