Develop Ideas into a Business or Product!
This innovative course submerges students into the world of product development and Silicon Valley entrepreneurship. How many times have you thought of a good product/service idea, but you weren’t sure what the next step should be? This course will guide students from developing their idea to product testing, market research, and elevator pitch development, as well as making their own marketing pitch and video.
Students will be exposed to a variety of prototyping applications such as TinkerCAD, Fusion 360, Adobe XD. Ideally, this class will create the next passionate, successful entrepreneurs with a product or service that generates excitement for venture capitalist investment. The focus is not only on the end product but also on teaching students about design, legal issues, idea development, and leadership.
Course Guide
The Course Guide contains all information required to deliver this Digital Media Academy Pro course.
Standards Alignment
This course is aligned to national and international standards for technology education. Standards include: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), International Baccalaureate , UK National Curriculum, New Zealand Curriculum, and more!
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to understand…
Students will create...
Career Pathways
Entrepreneur, Business Owner, CEO, Marketing Specialist, 3D Modeler, Market Analyst, Web Developer, Mobile App Designer
Here is the course outline:
Unit 1: Intro to Entrepreneurship?Learn what an Entrepreneur does and about the design process! 5 sections
Unit 2: Product Design ToolsLearn some useful tools and skills for the design process! 3 sections
Unit 3: Presenting Your ProductLearn how to present your product through an app, website, and public speaking! 4 sections
Unit 4: Final ProjectsUnleash your creativity and start your final project! 4 sections
Student ShowcaseNow it's time to show off your projects! 2 sections