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Meet the Future: AI and Machine Learning

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We’ve seen ‘smart’ robots and machines in science fiction for years - machines that can think and respond to unexpected information the way human beings do. In this class you’ll learn how computer scientists are helping machines actually learn, so that they can do everything from talking to us to driving our cars. You'll build and train apps using your own data sets and cutting edge industry tools like IBM's Watson to recognize images, make decisions, and understand text.

Learn to Use Artificial Intelligence!

Pathway: Computer Science + AI Stage: Beginner
Age:  9-12 Grade (US): 3-6

This course will introduce you to the topics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through engaging in activities that show how AI and Machine Learning are used in the real world. Each module will walks through a process of discovery; exploring, building, and testing different Machine Learning programs using Scratch and IBM's Watson platform. By exploring with hands-on learning and reflecting on projects, you will explore the benefits and challenges of using AI and Machine Learning. The final module of the course will engage in predicting and generating ideas about possible and probable future real-world uses of the technology.

Learning Outcomes


Understand what machine learning and artificial intelligence are


Use data sets to ‘teach’ and improve apps that respond to human interaction


Create simple AI programs using Scratch and Watson


Recognize and devise potential applications for artificial intelligence

Method of Instruction

This course is intended for instructor delivery, either in-person or remotely. All instructional resources (lesson slides, handouts, quizzes, assessments, etc) can be downloaded for individual teacher customization and use. Should you have any questions regarding the curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact Digital Media Academy Support through the LMS.


Teacher Guide | Lesson Plans

The Teacher Guide is designed for the purpose of lesson planning and contains all lesson plans, and activity timing, and provides information on all student resources associated with this course.

Curricular Connections Guide

Science, Language Arts, and Math curriculum integration builds student competency in core academic subjects while addressing essential, 21st-century technology skills. This Curricular Connections Guide is designed to spark your imagination of how to bring this course to life in your own classroom.

Required Materials & Equipment

  • A Computer or Tablet with internet access (for Scratch and Watson programs)
  • An IBM Watson account
  • Digital or Paper Notebook

Career Pathways 

AI Engineer, Computer Scientists, Programmer, Web Developer, App Developer, Software Designer (in major industries: Health, Manufacturing, Financial, Arts, Entertainment, Retail).

Here is the course outline:

Getting Started

Read me first.

Getting Started

Teacher Resource

Covering course description, learning outcomes, teacher guides, required materials and equipment, career pathways, and standards alignment

Course Overview and Teacher Guide
Lesson Preparation Materials
Questions and Assignment - Course Overview
Modules 1 - 2 Video
Questions and Assignment - Modules 1 - 2
Quiz - Modules 1 - 2
Modules 3 - 6 Video
Questions and Assignment - Modules 3 - 6
Quiz - Modules 3 - 6
Standards Alignment
Student Assessment Tools
Module Projects, Quizzes and Discussions
Student Self-Assessment
Assessment Rubric
Curricular Integration and Assessment

Module 1: The Future is Here!

In this module, you'll play a duet with a computer, see how AI can be used to make personalized playlists, and discover a bit about how machines learn.

Lesson 1: Music and Artificial Intelligence
Lesson 2: Machine Learning

Module 2: Learning the Rules

Learn how to tell the difference between a traditional computer program and machine learning.

Lesson 3: Programming Chatbots
Lesson 4: What Else Can AI Do?

Module 3: DIY Chat Bots

Learn to program your own AI chatbot by teaching it how to recognize nice words and not nice words.

Lessons 5 and 6: AI Is Different

Module 4: Helping Machines Learn

You've taught a program to recognize text, now teach one to recognize images.

Lesson 7 and 8: Image Recognition
Lesson 9: Image Recognition Problems

Module 5: A Deeper Dive Into AI

In this module you will learn about and build 2 more machine learning programs.

Lessons 10 and 11: Judge a Book By Its Cover
Lesson 12: Is AI Controlling Us?

Module 6: Making Decisions with AI

Artificial intelligence can be used to make decisions. Your job is to make sure it makes good ones.

Lessons 13 - 15: The Sorting Hat

Student Showcase

Now it's time to show off your projects!

How to Lead a Student Showcase
Student Showcase


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

LSSW Course Completion Certificate