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What Can You Do with Data?

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Learn to Harness the Power of Data!

Pathway: Computer Science + AI Stage: Intermediate
Age:  11-15 Grade (US): 6-10
Pathway: Computer Science + AI
Age:  11-15
Stage: Intermediate
Grade (US): 6-10

Data is the lifeblood of the internet and the modern economy, driving everything from business to health care. In this course, you will learn about how data is collected, how it can be protected, and how it is used to shape various aspects of our lives. Digital Data influences things like our shopping experiences, business decisions, social networks, criminal investigations, sports, and the internet of things. This course examines not only how data is used today but also asks to imagine the future possibilities offered by the intersection of data and connectivity.

Learning Outcomes


Identify several ways in which the technology they use every day collects and uses data


Envision ways in which data collection and use can be used to help solve problems for individuals and groups


Make more informed and meaningful decisions about how much personal data they want to share

Method of Instruction

This course is intended for instructor delivery, either in-person or remotely. All instructional resources (lesson slide, handouts, quizzes, assessments, etc) can be downloaded for individual teacher customization and use. Should you have any questions regarding the curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact Digital Media Academy Support through the LMS.


Teacher Guide | Lesson Plans

The Teacher Guide is designed for the purpose of lesson planning and contains all lesson plans, activity timing, and provides information on all student resources associated with this course. Login or complete the form below to get the complete Teacher's Guide.


Complete the form once and access 100s of course materials.

Curricular Connections Guide

Science, Language Arts, and Math curriculum integrations build student competency in core academic subjects while addressing essential, 21st-century technology skills. This Curricular Connections Guide is designed to spark your imagination of how to bring this course to life in your own classroom.

Standards Alignment

This course is aligned to national and international standards for technology education. Standards include: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), International Baccalaureate , UK National Curriculum, New Zealand Curriculum, and more!

Required Materials & Equipment

  • Computer or tablet with access to the internet
  • Digital or Paper notebooks (recommended but not required)
  • Pens or pencils
  • Software or web app students can use to make a chart or graphic

Career Pathways 

Programmer, Data Scientist, Journalist, Web Developer, System Developer, System Analyst, Investigator, Career in Sports and Medicine, Digital Marketing, and Advertising

Here is the course outline:

Getting Started

Read me first.

Getting Started

Teacher Resource

Covering course description, learning outcomes, teacher guide, required materials and equipment, career pathways, and standards alignment

Course Overview and Teacher Guide
Lesson Preparation Materials
Questions and Assignment - Course Overview
Modules 1 - 2 Video
Questions and Assignment - Modules 1 - 2
Quiz - Modules 1 - 2
Modules 3 - 4 Video
Questions and Assignment - Modules 3 - 4
Quiz - Modules 3 - 4
Standards Alignment
Student Assessment Tools
Projects, Quizzes and Discussions by Module
Student Self-Assessment
Assessment Rubric
Curricular Integration and Assessment

Module 1: What Is My Data and Who Wants it?

What exactly is data and who would actually be interested in it?

Lesson 1: What Is Data?
Lesson 2: Data and You
Lesson 3: Privacy or Transparency?

Module 2: Who Makes Money From Data?

Learn what data has to do with buying and selling things and what kinds of businesses make money with data. Learn how much data you are providing to businesses and how to take control of your data.

Lesson 4: Ad Targeting and Data Collection
Lesson 5: Privacy and Data
Lesson 6: Does Privacy Really Matter?

Module 3: Amazing Data

With the right information, we can solve complicated problems to do things like make our cities better places to live.

Lesson 7: Another Side to the Data Story
Lesson 8: Smart Cities and Smart Schools
Lesson 9: Smart City Case Studies
Lesson 10: Smart Cities, Smart or Not?

Module 4: Be a Data Scientist

Put your understanding of data to work to solve real-world problems.

Lesson 11: Analyzing Data Sets
Lesson 12: Recognizing and Defining the Problem

Student Showcase

Now it's time to show off your projects!

How to Lead a Student Showcase
Student Showcase


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

LSSW Course Completion Certificate